Building Process Safety Culture in Pharma Industry – Orchid Pharma | AIChE

Building Process Safety Culture in Pharma Industry – Orchid Pharma


Mani, S. - Presenter, ORCHID PHARMA

The key feature of the Pharma industry is that multiple products involving complex chemistry are manufactured through batch processes, using the same facilities with subtle changes. The personnel who work in shifts are expected to adapt to these changes for error-free operation.

Thus, the challenges are seen in all three areas of Process Safety – Technology, Facility, Personnel.

Orchid believes that good safety culture promotes unconscious competence that leads to business excellence.

Orchid’s commitment to Safety, Health and Environment is being sustained by strong leadership commitment and with the active participation from various line management functions. Safety performance of the various locations are periodically monitored and reviewed by the Central Safety Committee and Site Safety Committees. An integrated Organization structure manages the Safety Systems.  CCPS tenet - A Committed Culture

Orchid has developed a clear Safety Vision and Safety Goals supported by Seven Safety Principles. CCPS tenet - A Committed Culture

Safety is declared as Line Management responsibility. The responsibility for fostering and maintaining a sound safety culture cascades down through the organization. Every individual in the organization has a role to play. CCPS tenet - A Committed Culture and Vibrant Management Systems

Risk assessment and Risk Minimization take priority in Process Safety Management. Risk Assessment is carried out through cross functional teams. Various Risk assessment techniques are being used to manage the risk. Without risk assessment, no new process, project or any change in process or project are be allowed. Critical Safety Concerns are identified periodically and the consequences are analysed. Based on the consequences, control measures are adopted. CCPS tenet - A Committed Culture, Vibrant Management Systems and disciplined adherence to Standards

Orchid has developed Sixty Four Safety Standards for carrying out activities. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been written for all such activities. These SOPS not only covers “What to Do” but also, “Why to Do”. All SOPs are covered with Hazard Identification and control Measures.  All line managers carry Safety Observation Audits (SOAs) through conversation to identify the hazards in their respective areas and have helped control the risk. CCPS tenet - Vibrant Management Systems and disciplined adherence to Standards

The company recognizes the need for effective safety communication in culture building. This is ensured through periodic Safety Talks, Safety Posters and interactive discussions. Orchid also believes that continuous learning is a crucial element in Safety Management. Accordingly, various training programs are conducted to reinforce safe behavior and also to enhance the necessary skills to perform the job safely. CCPS tenet – Intentional Competency Development

The company also does not want to miss any learning opportunity that an incident may offer. Hence, Incident Investigation is an important area of focus. All incidents are investigated thorough robust investigation process and Corrective And Preventive Actions (CAPA) are taken and communicated. CCPS tenet – Enhanced Application of Lessons learned

Orchid believes that building and sustaining Process Safety Culture is an ongoing process that needs to be constantly supported by Visible, Felt Leadership across all levels and across the entire cross-section of the organization.


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