Diferent Qualification for Functions Is Essential for PSM | AIChE

Diferent Qualification for Functions Is Essential for PSM

The industry has experienced moments of reflection to improve the issues of prevention of losses to minimize the impacts on people, plants and the environment.

For decades, driven by a culture and a minimal form of legislation that require the prevention of occupational accidents, companies invested in the search for reduction of accidents with people in the workplace, by developing procedures, risk analysis, specification of EPI's and other initiatives that seek to identify risks and control measures that could reduce the potential crash if the employee in performing the tasks. These initiatives usually focus aspects of conditions or contexts that create difficulties for the worker to perform the work. When you can not remove, either by resources or the knowledge they try to place conditions on worker protections that minimize the consequences of the accident but did not prevent the occurrence of deviation.

Victories were achieved, reductions in accidents at work and were conquered in a way, especially the Brazilian chemical industry recorded continuous improvements in this area over the years.

But if we thought in order to identify which and to what extent it has developed on issues of cultural training in prevention and risk management process, we identified a major gap to be conquered. It is perceived in some organizations a culture that thinks that most people should know the procedure and its risks are the people who work in the operation and look at the area of security there. In this context the large file of recent accidents showed that the absence of a systemic program of knowledge transfer process, ensuring the involvement, empowerment and decentralization of the issues associated with management of risk process, the industry can not reduce the number major industrial accidents that have the potential to cause many fatalities to employees and community. The Braskem three years ago launched a pioneering work in the world through the involvement, training, and clear definition of responsibilities successfully implement a concept and a management training in safety and decision processes, involving all the functions, maintenance, operation, engineering, HSE ensuring a homogeneous development of the knowledge management system and also and above all, ensuring that all these areas have in mind that your actions and decisions shall, based on knowledge of risks, always be focused on preserving the reliability of facilities and processes, in information and empowerment of all people, regardless of their function