Dow Brazil Aratu-Camaçari Integrated Maintenance - Opportunities with New Inspections Technologies | AIChE

Dow Brazil Aratu-Camaçari Integrated Maintenance - Opportunities with New Inspections Technologies


Leite, A. L. M. - Presenter, The Dow Chemical Company - Dow Brasil SA
Mota, M. - Presenter, The Dow Chemical Company - Dow Brasil SA

This paper presents an overview of what Dow Brazil Aratu-Camaçari Integrated Maintenance are practicing to incorporate new inspections technologies on our mechanical integrity program. This new technologies will allow less people exposure and better equipment corrosion control, including corrosion under insulation (CUI) that is a important factor on our process safety program.

There are a number of new technologies available to be used on the mechanical integrity program. Brazil Aratu-Camaçari Integrated Maintenance is continuously looking for opportunities to reduce maintenance costs and increase equipment availability to operation. As part of this effort, the Team evaluated four inspections families to identify opportunities to maintenance costs reductions and personal exposure risks minimization.

1. Internal inspections

2. Weld and discontinuities inspections

3. Thickness measurement

4. Pressure tests

The estimated savings per year at Aratu-Camaçari site, with this new approach are:

1. Inspection and maintenance costs ? MMUS$ 1.6

2. Increase equipment availability to operate due to reduced shutdown time ? MM US$ 2.1


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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