Lessons Learned From Implementing Best Practices in Risk Based Process Safety
CCPS Latin American Conference on Process Safety
2nd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo
2nd Latin American Process Safety Conference and Expo
Process Safety Culture (Part I)
To get to the next level in process safety requires a more effective risk-based approach. All hazards and risks are not equal; consequently, we should focus our resources on more significant hazards and higher risks. To promote PSM excellence and continuous improvement throughout the process industries, the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) created risk-based process safety (RBPS) as the framework for the next generation of process safety management.
This new approach was built upon 15 years of lessons learned, a thorough review of global environmental, safety and health management systems and regulatory frameworks, and benchmarking of effective practices within the U.S. process industries. The 20 elements listed below expand upon the original CCPS PSM elements to reflect 15 years of process safety management implementation experience, best practices from a variety of industries, and worldwide regulatory requirements.
Commit to Process Safety
? Process Safety Culture
? Standards, Codes, Regulations, and Laws
? Process Safety Competency
? Workforce Involvement
? Stakeholder Outreach
Understand Hazards and Evaluate Risks
? Process Knowledge Management
? Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis
Manage Risk
? Operating Procedures
? Safe Work Practices ? Asset Integrity and Reliability
? Contractor Management
? Training and Performance Assurance
? Management of Change
? Operational Readiness
? Conduct of Operations
? Emergency Management
Learn from Experience
? Incident Investigation
? Measurement and Metrics
? Auditing
? Management Review & Continuous Improvement
This paper will focus on lessons learned from industry benchmarking of companies that are implementing some of the newer elements contained within RBPS ? culture, competency, conduct of operations, metrics, and management review. Effective implementation ideas will be presented using examples from process industry companies actively involved in adopting these RBPS elements and activities.