PSM Culture BASED ON TRUST and Decentralization | AIChE

PSM Culture BASED ON TRUST and Decentralization

A safety culture can be defined as the way the organization(people) behave, or perform their activities and decisions when they are not directly monitored or controlled. This concept considers that the factors that influence the performance of individuals and technically should be clearly defined, disseminated, trained and available to allow a homogeneous way the spread of the organization.

We identified that some organizations in matters relating to process safety were being treated for or see a few people. This means that issues related to risk management and the dissemination of knowledge of them is restricted. In the last four years, we began in Braskem a strategy of dissemination of issues of PSM, using the model as a basis for management of the organization that clearly defines the issues of accountability of leaders and members and partners not only with the production issues but with everything that can impact positively or negatively on health and safety of persons, environment and assets related to the process and chemical products. Through a strategy setting, training, validation and recognition, we created the function of LAGRI's, that are leaders of PSM management located in each plants of Braskem. They are from operation, maintenance, logistics, engineering and Safety area.

One of their main focus is support the operation manager and other leaders in the plant on issues concerning the management of knowledge in matters of process safety, evaluation of deviations, management of the recommendations of accidents, incidents and audits in addition to provide a continuous spread of preventive culture in PSM in industrial plant or area of support which operates.

This strategy has allowed a few years transformed it into PSM strategic theme for the organization, led the discussion open and aware of the principal risks of each process of industrial plants and also allowed the decentralization of the issues of realization of the analysis of risk in the organization, taking out a level of 10 people trained as leaders of risk analysis tolls for over 2000 people.

Leaders are trained in issues of process safety management for through its ability to influence and be influenced in a systematic manner to ensure the development of process safety in their areas of responsibility, focusing on the development of culture based on trust and in the preparation of people to take adequately the risks inherent in their duties, the delegation planned activities and decisions and in monitoring through cycles of planning, ensuring that facilities and processes of Braskem are with lower risks and better able to manage their protection systems and PSM system.


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