Risk Management – Global Approach, Local Solutions | AIChE

Risk Management – Global Approach, Local Solutions


Azevedo, R. L. - Presenter, Chevron Oronite Brazil Limited
Domingos Ferreira, N. M. - Presenter, Chevron Oronite Brazil Limited

Systematically and consistently identifying risks is the critical first step in managing Process Safety. In designing a new processing facility, or managing risk in an existing facility, ranking of the relative risks allows companies to focus their resources on potential improvements which could have the biggest impact on reducing their overall risk. Chevron's approach qualitatively evaluates risks to safety, the environment and health. Relative prioritization of these risks within a plant, within a business segment or across the enterprise provides a sound basis for Process Safety improvement.

This paper will present an overview of this global approach, a comparison to Brazilian regulatory requirements and some specific examples of risk reduction in a chemical plant.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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