Changing Safety Culture | AIChE

Changing Safety Culture

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The presentation aims to introduce Go Safe  process implementation in a global company headquartered in Brazil. After two years, 70 workshops and 1595 people trainned, the results have indicated considerable cultural change and improvement. The main message to be shared is that our goal is not only to reduce accident rates, but to transform company’s safety  culture, placing it at an interdependency level. By this presentation, participants will be sensitized to the importance of considering their organizational culture in order to implement effective BBS programs. To illustrate this, we would like to present a case of a company with a great deal of segregation between company employees and its outsourced workers. In this case we couldn’t merely teach people about SHE contents but, considering cultural issues, we offered workshops that brought company employees and its outsourced personnel together. In two days, they shared common responsibility, discussed values and created connections to stimulate mutual care.
See more of this Session: POSTER SESSION