3D FIRE and Gas Detector Coverage Mapping. Application of ISA-TR84.00.07: A Worked Example | AIChE

3D FIRE and Gas Detector Coverage Mapping. Application of ISA-TR84.00.07: A Worked Example


Jarufe, J. - Presenter, RSF Consultores

An Effective Fire and Gas System (FGS) is important to properly mitigate the consequence of loss of containment scenarios in the Process Industry. The concepts of the ISA TR FGS life cycle are applied to a process plant, an example is worked. With the aided of DVNGL Phast Software and Cad software developed application, 3D dispersion of Gas Risk scenarios are plotted and Gas sensor layout Scenario Coverage is determined. Also the concept of assigning Fire grade areas based on 3D geometry of Fire Risk scenarios is introduced. The Fire detector geographic coverage is determine by projecting the fire sensor´s cone of vision in 3D,  taking into accounts the process plant obstruction in 3D on a required vertical height of interest.


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