Consequences Analysis Associated with Chlorine Leak (1 ton cylinder) for Damage or Deterioration of Its Connectors in the Chlorine Storage Area of Pequiven, Located at the Petrochemical Complex Jose Antonio Anzoátegui, Using Simulation Package PHAST 6.7 | AIChE

Consequences Analysis Associated with Chlorine Leak (1 ton cylinder) for Damage or Deterioration of Its Connectors in the Chlorine Storage Area of Pequiven, Located at the Petrochemical Complex Jose Antonio Anzoátegui, Using Simulation Package PHAST 6.7





Consequences analysis associated with chlorine leak (1 ton cylinder) for damage or deterioration of its connectors in the chlorine storage area of the Water Plant of Pequiven, located at the Petrochemical Complex Jose Antonio Anzoátegui, using the simulation package PHAST 6.7











Based on the premise of "Only that which is known can be controlled", we must apply methodologies to identify dangerous situations, analyze and assess the associated risk. This is the approach of this study: analysis of the risks associated with an installation of the petrochemical industry in the handling of hazardous materials; evaluating the frequency of occurrence of an event and its effects or consequences (the probability and possibility is immersed in the evaluation).

Technological development in industrialized countries as Venezuela has been accompanied by a marked improvement in their standard of living. However, the proliferation of industrial facilities has also led to the appearance of new risks such as the petrochemical industry. That is reason in this paper a risk assessment will be performed in Petrochemical of Venezuela, PEQUIVEN S.A.

Petrochemical of Venezuela, Pequiven S.A., is an oriented processing of natural gas in petrochemical product, in order to ensure the application of industrial enterprises in the country and in the international market company. It is located within the Oil and Petrochemical Complex General Jose Antonio Anzoátegui which occupies approximately 740 hectares where you have also installed mixtures plants such as: Superoctanos, Metor, Supermetanol and Fertinitro.

In the Petrochemical Complex Jose Antonio Anzoátegui, Pequiven has plants for water treatment service (industrial and potable), electric service through the electrical substation, maritime terminal for the export of Ammonia, Urea, Methanol, MTBE and Isooctanes, and other facilities such as administrative offices, fire services, intercomunication systems, industrial medical facility, maintenance and all to meet the needs of the condominium.

Pequiven has a Water Treatment System, which consists of the extraction of raw water from the Neveri’s River, then, through a physicochemical process, prepares it for use as industrial water to cover the needs of the production processes operating in the petrochemical complex. Part of the treated water is subjected to an additional conditioning process to make it suitable for human consumption and supply of drinking water to the Mixed Companies Pequiven.

The current production capacity installed in the Industrial Water System is 1,600 liters per second (lps), with an autonomy for 48 hours between Industrial Storage Tanks and Ponds Water Raw Water Storage, and six (6) additional hours for Fire System. To meet the expected demand for new Pequiven, expansion of Water Treatment System to a new capacity of 3,500 lps is required.

In the industrial water system, the process begins with the raw water adduction Neveri’s River pumping station “Las Parchitas”. Water is sucked into the pumps and driven to the Petrochemical Complex, where it is stored in the lagoons of raw water; herein are the first pumping station known as EBP -1, where the pumps associated with the fire water system pumps and production are located. In the pumping station production EBP-1 the pre- chlorination stage is done and water clarifiers located at the treatment plant driving.

In the treatment plant, through physiochemical processes (coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration), clarifies and conditions the raw water, transforming it into treated water, according to industrial requirements. In this plant sludge are generated, some of these are returned to the process and the remaining is driven by means of pumps, the sludge lagoons, where it extracts the water content. Then the sludge is dried at room temperature and discarded. The water extracted from the sludge dewatering is returned to the raw water lagoons.

The treated water is conducted to concrete pits where chlorine and corrosion inhibitor is added. At the top of the pits pumping stations EBP -2 production are located. In pumping stations EBP -2 production, pumps suck water from the pits and leads to storage tanks and water system. From the storage tanks, water is carried to different consumers and to Industrial and Petrochemical Complex Jose Antonio Anzoátegui (CIJAA and CPJAA) through pumping stations EBP -3 production . In the water system, the water is treated with chlorine dosed again and is carried to different consumers, through a hydropneumatic system.

In order to meet  the demands of chlorine for pre-chlorination and post-chlorination processes, there is a significant number of chlorine cylinders, in this sense, the present study will be located in the chlorine storage area of Pequiven, where it will be performed the consequence analysis (toxic effects on people located both inside and outside the administrative areas) associated with the leakage of chlorine in a cylinder (1 ton) for damage or deterioration of its connectors in the chlorine storage area located in the Pequiven Jose Antonio Anzoátegui Petrochemical Complex, using the PHAST simulation 6.7.


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