Identification and Assessment Process Hazards - the Beginning Is the Most Important Part of the Work | AIChE

Identification and Assessment Process Hazards - the Beginning Is the Most Important Part of the Work


Klein, J., ABS consulting

Process hazards recognition and assessment are the foundational of an effective Process Safety program. When process hazards are not identified and understood, appropriate safeguards and systems are not adequatelly implemented and maintained in order to manage the associated risks.While this may seem obvious, there are many examples in the Chemical Process Industry of capable people working with significant process hazards that did not adequately identify, assess, understand, and manage them that resulted catastrophic injuries and incidents.By properly identifying and assessing process hazards, appropriate safeguards are included in the process design and Process Safety systems are implemented to ensure on-going effective risk management. The intent of this work is to review the basics involving process hazards recognition and assessment in chemical processes.