14th GCPS Accepted Authors' Guide
Find all guidelines and templates for the 13th GCPS Oral Presentation Sessions, Regular Poster Session, and Electronic Poster Session here!

2018 GCPS Oral Presentation GuideDownload 14th GCPS Guidelines and Templates:
14th GCPS Authors' Expectations and Responsibilities
All presenters must submit a paper to be included in the conference proceeding
Manuscript Template
Oral Session Presentation Info
- 2018 GCPS Oral Presentation Guide
- Presentation Template
- PPT Ratio needs to be in 16:9 (we will be uploading a PPT tmeplate by 2nd week of Jan)
Electronic Poster Sesssion
Regular Poster Session
Full Paper Upload Guide: (Please do not upload your full paper until your session chairs approves your draft paper)
go to https://aiche.confex.com/aiche/s18/portal.cgi? and enter in your login information. Alternatively, you can click the direct link that was provided in the acceptance email.
Once logged in to your speaker portal, select "Extended Abstract Upload" underneath the abstract for which you would like to upload a paper
Important Due Dates:
- Draft papers are due to session chairs by email February 15, 2018
- Final papers are due to session chairs by email March 15, 2018
- Draft presentations are due to session chairs via email by March 15, 2018
- Final Presentations are due on April 5, 2018
- Conference Date: April 22 - 25, 2018. Remember to Register for the GCPS!
If you need a invitation letter to apply for Visa please contact invitationletters@aiche.org. Please apply for VISA ASAP.
Note: Please check back for updates!