Technical Presentations | AIChE

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Technical Presentations

Design Challenges in Tankage Modernization

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
In order to comply with regulation requirements, a refinery needs to perform major revamps to produce different grades of Diesel, namely ULSD, Off-...

Explosions in Transformer and Circuit-Breaker Tanks Due to Arcing Events

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
Industrial transformers and circuit breakers operate with large voltage differences between current-carrying internal components and the grounded...

Acetylene Converter Safety Systems

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
Acetylene is produced as a by-product during the pyrolysis cracking of hydrocarbons in ethylene plant furnaces. Typically the acceptable acetylene...

Inherently Safer Technology Implementation -Risk Reduction and Risk Shifting

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
On March 25, 2008 the State of New Jersey adopted rules requiring facilities regulated under the Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act (TCPA) Program to...

Evaluation of Dispersion Models for LNG Siting Applications

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
The federal safety standards for LNG facilities under 49 CFR Part 193 approves the use of specific dispersion models for performing vapor-gas...

Using the Integrated Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) Study / Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) Methodology As a Value Engineering Tool

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
While Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) can be an essential element of process facility design to minimize the potential for process incidents, in...

Flash Fire From a Hot Combustible Liquid

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
A truck driver loading a tanker was fatally injured in a flash fire. The accident occurred at the loading rack of a petroleum refinery. The truck...

Proven in Use (What's the Quality of Your Data)

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
To perform LOPA's, fault tree analysis, SIL verifications and other quantitative likelihood analyses requires data. As much as everyone wants data,...

NOx Risk Mitigation for the Co-Feeding of Natural Gas to the Sasol CTL Complex

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
Natural gas has been a co-feedstock to the reformers in the Sasol CTL complex since 2004. A more beneficial way is to re-route natural gas to the...

Two Incompetent Workers; Too Close for Comfort ñ Part 1

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 4, 2012
Learning from experience is one of the four pillars of Risk-Based Process Safety. Incidents that occur at one facility often provide opportunities to...
