Technical Presentations | AIChE

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Technical Presentations

Getting Incident Investigations Right

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 2, 2019
When safety investigations are conducted like criminal investigations, they tend to be backward-looking and focused on learning who to blame, rather...

Caribbean Petroleum Explosion Case Study

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 2, 2019
Caribbean Petroleum Explosion Case Study Q.A. Baker, J.K. Thomas, D.R. Malik and M.T. Edel Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants 3330 Oakwell Court...

Evaluating Relief Requirements for Reactive Processes with Unstable Intermediates

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
Evaluating reactive systems for relief is known to present many complexities compared with more common single-phase flow and non-reactive systems. In...

Compromiso Con La Seguridad De Los Procesos

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
Las técnicas de análisis de datos cualitativos de Encuestas aplicadas a investigaciones han aportado durante dÃ...

Challenges with Compressor Start-up/Dry out Runs with Dissimilar MW Gases Than the Process Gases

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
This presentation discusses the challenges with compressor start-up/dry out runs using heavier or lighter MW gases than the actual process gas. It is...

What Is My Flare Header Capacity, Really? Best Practices for Flare QRA Tools

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
Flare Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) is a systematic approach to determine the adequacy of a flare header and can be applied to provide a more...

Mejores PraCticas De PHA: Actualizacion De Los EstaNares De PHA De Lo Que Se Creian Que Eran Mejores PraCticas a Lo Que Realmente Son

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
Durante la última década Latinoamérica ha dado pasos importantes hacia la implementación total de...

Comparison between Steady State and Dynamic Pressure Relief Calculations

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
Traditional pressure relief sizing calculations have typically used steady state equations to determine both the required relief rate and the...

Automated Methods in Sizing of Relief Vent Stacks Based on Proximity to Occupied Structures

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
Quantifying the impact of a relief event to personnel is critical to site safety and is mandated by PSM. Within sites and chemical parks containing...

Low Pressure Does Not Equal Low Risk: Strategies to Protect Tanks Against Overpressure and Undervacuum

Conference Presentation
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
April 1, 2019
Industry personnel often perceive low pressure tanks as being less dangerous than pressure vessels, particularly due to their less stringent...
