Undergraduate Process Safety Learning Initiative

The Undergraduate Process Safety Learning Initiative concentrates in three primary areas: (1) online curricula through SAChE, (2) faculty competence through workshops, and (3) student competence through undergraduate process safety bootcamps.
The ultimate goal is to have 100% of graduating bachelor-degree chemical engineers to be trained and knowledgeable about process safety by passing the required SAChE certificates and demonstrating a certain level of training in process safety.
Faculty Workshops
As a thank you for your dedication to shaping the next generation of chemical engineers, AIChE is partnering with industry leaders and providing faculty with free Process Safety Workshops. Sponsoring companies host these Process Safety Faculty Workshops at one of their plants. These workshops will show chemical engineering faculty how process safety is put into industrial practice and demonstrate the importance of process safety to the design and operation of a chemical plant. The goal is to enable faculty to teach process safety in their undergraduate and graduate curricula so that graduating students will have a basic understanding of process safety for their careers in the industry.
Registration is free. Housing and meal expenses will be covered. The ONLY cost to attendees is transportation; including flights, train tickets, or driving expenses to and from the workshop. The program will be run by AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and is made possible by the AIChE Foundation’s Doing a World of Good Campaign. Check out the upcoming 2022 faculty workshops and past workshops below.
Faculty Workshops: Recent
Safety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE) Certificate Program
The Safety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE) program, initiated in 1992, is a cooperative effort between the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and engineering schools to provide teaching materials and programs that bring elements of process safety into the education of undergraduate and graduate students studying chemical and biochemical products and processes.
Process Safety Student Bootcamps
In support of unwavering emphasis on chemical and process safety, sponsoring companies will help develop new curriculum for undergraduate chemical engineering students. The purpose of the Student Process Safety Bootcamp is to provide an introduction to engineering students on how leading companies across a variety of chemical process industry sectors manage process safety to prevent catastrophic accidents involving toxic, highly reactive, and flammable materials. This program will improve the safety training of undergraduate chemical engineering students worldwide. The program will be run by AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and is made possible by the AIChE Foundation’s Doing a World of Good Campaign.
See recent bootcamps listed below and look for next year's schedule soon.
Student Bootcamps: Recent
Corporate Involvement
A core priority of our Doing a World of Good campaign, this program incorporates process safety training into the chemical engineering curricula at universities throughout the world in order to ensure that every chemical engineering graduate has a working knowledge of process safety.
AIChE thanks the following companies for their early leadership support of the undergraduate process safety learning initiative and ‘Doing a World of Good’ campaign.