Dr. Avi Shultz is the program manager for the Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power (CSP) team, which supports research, development, and demonstration of solar thermal components and systems that can enable wide-spread deployment of low-cost CSP with thermal energy storage. Dr. Shultz has been with SETO since 2013, where he started as a policy fellow and was hired as a federal technology manager, supporting the CSP program on a wide variety of topics, including thermochemical energy storage, CSP systems and cost analysis, and non-electricity applications of solar thermal process heat.
Prior to joining SETO, Dr. Shultz was a Rubicon Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Amsterdam, where he researched supramolecular approaches to catalysts for artificial photosynthesis. He holds a B.A. from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in chemistry from Northwestern University.