Jon Gibbins has worked on coal and biomass gasification and combustion for over 30 years, at Foster Wheeler, Imperial College, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Sheffield and on carbon capture and storage (CCS) since 2002. He is currently Professor of Power Plant Engineering and Carbon Capture at the University of Sheffield and Director of the UK CCS Research Centre (www.ukccsrc.ac.uk), which is supported by Research Councils UK to lead and coordinate a programme of underpinning research on all aspects of CCS in support of basic science and UK government efforts on energy and climate change. BEIS and RCUK funding also supports the UKCCSRC shared Pilot Advanced Capture Technology facilities (www.pact.ac.uk). The strategy behind Jon’s CCS activities is helping to deliver the combination of technical, policy and economic advances that are required to progress CCS rapidly to the stage where it can make an effective contribution to global climate change mitigation. Jon has authored over 65 papers and more than 100 articles and reports on CCS and related topics. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and a Fellow of the Institute of Energy.