Bob holds a degree in Engineering and an MBA. Bob recently joined World Fuel Services as Vice President of Business Development after retiring from United Airlines with 38 years of service. Bob was responsible for the purchase and distribution of over 4 billion gallons of jet fuel. He also was General Manager of UAFC, a fuel trading subsidiary of United Airlines that imported jet fuel to the US and sold jet fuel to over 35 other airlines under term contracts at over 30 locations throughout the country. He has been involved in developing aviation bio-fuels for the last 7 years and was the business and commercial working group lead at CAAFI, and an advisor to MASBI (Midwest Aviation Sustainable Bio-fuels Initiative). Bob also serves as President and CEO of Fueling California, a California non-profit organization that provides a united voice for responsible major energy consumers, on public policies that impact the cost, supply, content, and availability of essential fuels and promotes the development and use of alternative fuels.
Robert M. Sturtz
Vice President of Business Development
World Fuel Services