On Demand Conference Presentations | AIChE

On Demand Conference Presentations

Impact of Controlled Morphology and Defect Density on Gas Sorption in a MOF for Direct Air Capture of Carbon Dioxide

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 10, 2021
Net-zero emissions technologies have been identified by the IPCC as an important tool to achieve the goal of a less than 2 ° C global average...

CH4 Oxidation over a Pt-Pd/Al2O3 Monolith Catalyst: Experiments and Modeling

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 10, 2021
Four-Way Catalysts (FWCs) are needed for the emission control of stoichiometric natural gas vehicles (NGVs). Platinum group metal (PGM)-based...

Technology Transfer for Producing Sustainable Aviation Fuels from Wet Waste

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
With the increasing demand for low-carbon sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), new conversion technologies are needed that can transition from the...

Machine Learning the COSMO Model for Predicting Thermodynamics of Electrolyte Mixtures

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Bottom-up design of electrolyte mixtures for battery systems requires predicting macro thermodynamic properties from molecular constituents. Molten...

Middle Distillates from Ethanol-Technoeconomic and Life CYCLE Assessment

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Ethanol has been established as the most commonly used biofuel. In the U.S. alone, its production capacity has increased from 2 to 16 billion gallons...

Synergy of Graphene Nanoribbons and Graphene Sheets for High-Rate Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
According to the increasing demands for shortening the battery charging time, high current rate (C-rate) performances become more significant in...

Comprehensive Process and Environmental Impact Analysis of Integrated DBD Plasma Based Fuel Synthesis

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Electrification of the existing industrial chemical production processes is the key in progressing towards reducing carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions...

Optoelectronic Characterization of Silver-Doped Cu3AsS4 for Photovoltaic Applications

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Enargite (Cu 3 AsS 4 ) is an emerging photovoltaic material, consisting of earth abundant elements, with a bandgap in the vicinity of 1.41 eV. Its...

Tin-Exchanged Siliceous Supports for Propane Dehydrogenation

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Simultaneous increase in shale gas production and rise in olefin demand necessitate active and selective catalysts for light alkane dehydrogenation...

Why Global Cooperation Will be Needed to Achieve Carbon Dioxide Removal at the Paris Agreement’s Scale

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Through the 2015 Paris Agreement, most nations have committed to limiting global warming to well below 2°C, and ideally to 1.5°...

Machine-Learning Reduced Order Model for Cost and Emission Assessment of a Pyrolysis

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Biomass pyrolysis is a promising approach for producing economical and environmentally-friendly fuels and bioproducts [1]. Biomass pyrolysis...

Electrosprayed Scalable 3D Graphene-CNT Electrodes for Li-Ion and Fuel Cell Applications

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Lithium-sulfur batteries (LSB) and advanced lithium-ion batteries (LIB) demonstrate promise as the next generation energy storage and conversion (ESC...

Steady State and Dynamic Modeling of a Flexible Carbon Capture-Equipped Power Plant Integrated with Lime-Based Direct Air Capture.

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
The cost-effective integration of variable renewable energy (VRE) generation is critical for power sector decarbonization but is contingent on...

Evaluation of Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Chemical Precursors Used in Perovskite Photovoltaics Manufacturing.

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
Lead halide perovskite photovoltaics (LHP PVs) have rapidly reached a record efficiency of 25.2%, positioning them to compete with current PV...

Multiscale Modeling of Spray Coating of Perovskite QDs: Understanding the Role of Molecular Interactions in Particle Aggregation.

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
The US Department of Energy has set high-priority targets to reduce the cost of photovoltaics from ~ 10 cents/kWh to half of that at 5 cents/kWh by...

Facilitated Transport Membrane with Ionic Liquid and Poly(ionic liquid) Carriers for CO2 Separation from Air

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
November 9, 2021
CO 2 separation technologies are crucial for the global aim of carbon neutral and even carbon negative. Conventional CO 2 capture by liquid or solid...
