Beyond Solvents - Carbon Management in Canada - Advancing Capture Technologies | AIChE

Beyond Solvents - Carbon Management in Canada - Advancing Capture Technologies


Adamson, R. - Presenter, Managing Director Carbon Management Canada

This presentation provides an overview of a portion of the Carbon Management Canada-supported research portfolio relating to carbon capture approaches. These include: combined fluidized bed gasification/chemical looping approaches; combined catalytic steam gasification/reforming of asphaltenes from oil sands processing to produce hydrogen and CO2; amine-enhanced nanostructured solid sorbents; Metal Organic Frameworks for robust easy-release capture; development and techno-economic assessment of amine impregnated sorbents; CaO/CuO sorbents for pre- and post-combustion capture systems; and carbon mineralization approaches for mining applications.
A more detailed discussion will be presented relating to the next steps under development to integrate the MOF sorbents into a promising industrial process with the potential for breakthrough in techno-economic (physical size, capital cost and energy penalty) performance of post-combustion capture. In particular the attention on this technology is focused on natural gas fired processes for once-through-steam generator (OTSG) or industrial cogeneration.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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