Tandem Shockwave-Enabled Technologies For Capturing CO2 and Converting GHG Into Valuable Chemical End-Products, Alcohols and Liquid Fuels | AIChE

Tandem Shockwave-Enabled Technologies For Capturing CO2 and Converting GHG Into Valuable Chemical End-Products, Alcohols and Liquid Fuels

Proposed Technical Approach:
CEFCO Global Clean Energy, LLC (“CGCE” or “Applicant” herein) is ready, willing and able to provide the recently patented necessary technology and a related patent-pending technology to address the issues of capturing CO2 (GHG) and converting the carbon content into viable, value-based products that will stimulate the creation of a “carbon-based economy”, thereby achieving the conversion of carbon from a liability into an asset.

Applicant wishes it be known that the components comprising GHG, such as CH4 and the captured and re-used CO2 (which is produced by “Technology A”) could be made useful, productive and very beneficial in a low-cost and high-efficiency capture, conversion and re-use, which could be consumed in an industrial process; and then its emissions further recaptured, re-converted, re-produced, and re-used in a virtuous, repetitive, recycling of said resources. If methanol-derived fuels or advanced diesel or combustion fuels resulting from such a cyclical re-production process are utilized in stationary power or stationary process heat generationxi, Applicant's process could re-convert them repetitively, cyclically, into renewable fuels in a “virtual near closed-loop recycling" of 99+% of the same re-captured emissions or the newly captured carbon emissions from new fossil fuels. That would bring endless and incalculable, repetitive benefits to society, and provide the basis of a virtuous “carbon-based” economy. The availability and applicability of the Applicant’s technology will foster many new industrial and business enterprises surrounding and down-stream of said technology for the economy. Additionally, Technology B further provides for the follow-on re-combination of shorter-chained compounds into longer-chained compounds by subsequently sequenced, designed and induced shockwave-enabled reactions, and thereby to make liquid fuels.


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