Dynamic CO2 Sequestration in an Industrial-Scale Chrysotile Mining Waste Pile | AIChE

Dynamic CO2 Sequestration in an Industrial-Scale Chrysotile Mining Waste Pile


Beaudoin, G. - Presenter, Université Laval
Nowamooz, A., Université Laval
Larachi, F., LAVAL University
Dupuis, C., Université Lval
Molson, J. W. H., Université Laval
Lemieux, J. M., Université Laval
Horswill, M., Université Laval
Fortier, R., Université Laval
Maldague, X., Université Laval
Constantin, M., Université Laval
Duchesne, J., Université Laval
Therrien, R., Université Laval
Carbon mineralization in ultramafic mine wastes has been studied under controlled laboratory conditions and in small-scale experimental waste cells in the field. Mine waste mineralogy, water saturation, CO2 availability, and temperature have been identified as key factors controlling the sequestration but can be optimized for more efficient long-term CO2 storage.

To investigate CO2 sequestration in an industrial-scale mining waste pile under natural environmental conditions, a 92-m deep borehole was drilled in a 110 Mt chrysotile mine waste pile at Thetford Mines, Québec, Canada. This borehole was instrumented with 20 thermistors for temperature measurements and 9 pneumatic ports for differential pressure measurements and for sampling CO2 in the interstitial air. The carbon isotope composition of CO2 in the samples was also measured periodically using a Wavelength Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy instrument (Picaro G-1101-i). A weather station close to the borehole provided the local environmental conditions.

A nonlinear thermal regime with two thermal gradients was observed in the pile. The thermal gradient for the upper 50 m was 18 °C/km whereas the lower portion had a thermal gradient of 42 °C/km, 1.5 times higher than the expected regional thermal gradient (27 °C/km). These gradients suggest the presence of two thermo-hydro-chemical regimes for the transport and storage of CO2 within the pile. During cold-weather periods, when the ambient air temperature is less than the temperatures prevailing in the pile (which typically varyfrom 10 to 14 °C), the pressure in the pile is higher than the atmospheric pressure due to thermal expansion of the interstitial air. This thermodynamic effect impedes the inflow of CO2 from the atmosphere, while the carbonation reactions continue to consume CO2 and reduce its concentration within the pile. During warm-weather periods, when the ambient air temperature is higher than the pile temperature, a general reversal of differential pressure enhances air inflow and migration of CO2 into the pile, replenishing CO2 concentrations. Nevertheless, during this period the carbonation mineralization reactions inside the pile reduce the CO2 concentration of the inflowing air by 40%. The carbon isotope composition of CO2 shows a transition from a kinetic, closed-system Rayleigh fractionation during the cold periods to an isotopic system at equilibrium between gas and dissolved CO2 in interstitial water during the warm periods.

A thermo-hydro-aeraulic numerical model was developed to test the conceptual model and to assess the amount of CO2 that can be sequestered in such industrial-scale waste piles. The numerical results suggest that about 100 tons of CO2 per year are stored passively in the Thetford Mines waste pile which is in the same order of magnitude as the estimated storage capacities of other mining waste piles cited in the literature. Model results also suggest that a distributed heat source of at least 0.1 mW/m3 due to the heat released by the exothermic carbon mineralization reactions can explain the thermal regime observed in the pile.