RAPID Workshop | AIChE

RAPID Workshop

RAPID Workshop at 2nd Natural Gas Utilization Workshop ...

RAPID Workshop at 2nd Natural Gas Utilization Workshop

Memorial Student Center at Texas A&M, College Station, TX

August 12-14, 2018 at 1pm - 3pm

This session will convene subject matter experts, both members and non-members of RAPID, to brainstorm and discuss the application of modular and chemical processs intensification for upgrading the value of natural gas and natural gas liquids.


To attend, please register for NGUW '18 (Link) and RSVP to Michelle Bryner (michb@aiche.org). RAPID Workshop participants are encouraged to attend the entire workshop - with presentations that will prove to be valuable for discussions at this speacial RAPID session.


Jim Bielenberg, RAPID CTO, and Scott Klara, RAPID NGU Focus Area Lead, will present an overview of the Manufacturing Institute’s Natural Gas Upgrading Focus Area, a look at the NGU FA roadmap, and a summary of the project slate to-date related to natural gas upgrading. The remainder of the session will be a facilitated discussion of the roadmap. Are we missing any gaps that could be addressed with modular chemical process intensification? Do you have experience you could share on one of the gaps and its significance to the industry? 

To learn more about the RAPID Manufacturing Institute, click here.