CVC 2024 Featured Startup Companies | AIChE

CVC 2024 Featured Startup Companies

Company Name One Line Pitch
Aeternal Upcycling Aeternal Upcycling transforms plastic waste into low-carbon products for a circular economy.
Aquora Biosystems Aquora enables profitable organic waste to biochemical projects made possible by its patented membrane biofiltration platform technology.
BrightSpec, Inc. Bringing analytical chemistry into the digital/AI age by democratizing MRR with a newly developed commercial platform, enabling faster and more precise characterization of molecules in difficult to analyze samples. 
C+UP Transforming CO2 emissions into valuable sustainable fuels  and chemicals to drive industrial decarbonization and promote a circular economy.
Caporus Technologies, Inc. Caporus’ patented technology includes novel nanoscale porous materials that enable reliable capacitive energy storage at higher voltages and temperatures required by the next generation of power conversion systems to support fast-charging and other high energy density applications. 
ECOKEMTEK, LLC A novel, low GHG, process to produce ethyl formate from captured CO2 using a combination of electrochemical cell and a membrane reactor.
EDAC Labs Decarbonizing the world through electrochemical production of acids and bases.
Octet Scientific, Inc. We make it possible to power our homes, grid, and businesses with safe, sustainable, water-based batteries thanks to our game-changing electrolyte chemistry.
 FlowCellutions FlowCellutions unlocks our energy storage future through grid-scale battery diagnostics, improving efficiency, uptime, and extending lifetime.
Flux XII, Inc. Flux XII upgrades sustainable materials for adaptable utility-scale long-duration energy storage.
HeatPath Solutions HeatPath Solutions provides sustainable adipic acid that is the same price as fossil routes, with an order of magnitude lower CO2e emissions.
hydroGel hydroGel: revolutionizing water treatment by swiftly eliminating emerging contaminants at the industrial scale
Lakril Technologies Corporation We deliver industrial decarbonization by providing competitive alternatives to high volume petrochemicals. 
Loop CO2, Inc. LoopCO2: Transforming CO2 into valuable, sustainable products for a fossil-fuel-free future.
Mars Materials, Inc. PBC Mars' patented process produces drop-in, carbon negative acrylonitrile using CO2 for carbon fiber and polymers. 
Mattiq Mattiq is transforming electrochemical systems development to enable safe, scalable, and cost-effective solutions  to decarbonize the chemicals industry
New Iridium New Iridium is decarbonizing chemical production using revolutionary photocatalysis technology that is driven by light to produce carbon-negative chemicals at lower cost or on par with incumbents. 
Integrated Dynamics Waste to hydrogen to hydrocarbons, fast.
OCOchem OCOchem regenerates CO2, electrocatalytically, into hydrogen formate.
PhaseFoam Revolutionary thermal management solution that provides energy savings, improved temperature management, reduced Co2 emission and enhanced food quality.
Pyran Pyran unlocks the potential of renewable crop resources (such as corn cobs, wood, and sugarcane bagasse) to make 5-carbon chemicals such as 1,5-pentanediol (PDO) a critical ingredient that enhances the performance of everyday materials, such as paints, coatings, adhesives and more. 
RapiCure Solutions, Inc. Unprecedented protection, rehabilitation, & manufacturing speed of critical infrastructure and clean tech with the front of innovation.
RE-DU Company Mixed Plastic Recycling back to Monomer
Rivalia Chemical Co Rivalia is developing new technologies to harvest critical minerals from industrial wastes.
SoFab Inks Inc.  SoFab Inks develops and supplies high-performance, low-cost nanoparticle materials that enable the commercialization of next-generation perovskite solar cells and other green technologies. 
Oxylus Energy Oxylus Energy converts CO2 into carbon-neutral fuel and chemical feedstocks