Join any number of the diverse communities that fit your own personal interests. Each community is its own micro-society, with their own unique benefits and opportunities. Here are some communities we thought you might find interesting:
Management division
The Management Division facilitates a networking base, training, and opportunities to present topics pertinent to Technical Management, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and other management roles and responsibilities that chemical engineers typically need as they advance in their careers. Learn more.
Education division
The Education Division promotes the education of chemical engineers as it pertains to educational research, scholarly teaching, and applications to include the broader endeavors which encompass education, such as those which are part of the Division's programming commitment. Learn more.
Materials Engineering & Sciences Division
The MESD provides opportunities for chemical engineers and scientists interested in materials to exchange information primarily through our programming at AIChE meetings. Currently, the MESD encompasses five materials areas: Polymers (8A), Biomaterials (8B), Inorganic Materials (8D), Electronic Materials (8E) and Composites (8F). The division coordinates AIChE activities in the field of materials with other societies and encourages the introduction of materials-related topics in chemical engineering education. Learn more.
Computing & Systems Technology Division
The Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) Division is responsible for the wide range of activities within AIChE that involve the application of computers and mathematics to chemical engineering problems including process design, process control, operations, and applied mathematics. Learn more.
Fuels & Petrochemicals Division
The Fuels & Petrochemicals Division (F&PD) provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among chemical engineers engaged in all phases of fuels and petrochemicals activities. It provides leadership, assistance and expertise as suited to the Institute, industrial, education, and governmental groups related to the field's activities, including safety, health and environment. Learn more.
Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division
The FP&BE division ("Division 15") provides those interested in the field of food, pharmaceuticals, and bioengineering with places to join and to discuss. Further, the FP&BE encourages the focus of biological sciences in chemical engineering curricula and promotes the application of sanitary design principles for process equipment and installations. Learn more.
Safety & Health Division
The Safety & Health Division aspires to support a connected and inclusive division membership in their effort to save lives, protect their communities, and prevent asset loss by doing their part in preventing process safety incidents. Learn More.
Separations division
The Separations Division provides coverage of a variety of currently used and novel methods of separation. Division members exchange knowledge of technical publications, computer programs, databases, separation research centers, networks, and programs. In addition, the group encourages chemical engineering educators to place emphasis on the field of separations and on the development of appropriate course materials through research, development, and application. Learn more.
environmental division
The AIChE Environmental Division serves in the broad field of the relation, development, and application of chemical engineering to the environment. This Division has the mission of addressing the research and application of chemical engineering principles toward preserving, restoring, and sustaining the environment and conserving energy and natural resources for future generations. Learn more.