The Cato T. Laurencin Regenerative Engineering Society Founder’s Award | AIChE

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The Cato T. Laurencin Regenerative Engineering Society Founder’s Award

In furthering the goals of the field of regenerative engineering which is a field defined as the Convergence of Advanced Materials Sciences, Stem Cell Science, Physics, Developmental Biology and Clinical Translation for the regeneration of complex tissues and organ systems the Founder's award has been established in honor of Dr. Cato T. Laurencin by the Regenerative Engineering Society (RES). This award recognizes individuals in the field that have demonstrated leadership in the science and practice of convergence research as applied to regenerative engineering and medicine. ​The Award consists of a medal and a $2,500 honorarium.

Nomination Packet (Documents) 

DeadlineApril 30, 2025
AdministratorsRegenerative Engineering Society (RE)
PresentationThe 2025 award will be presented during the RES Awards Lecture at the 2025 AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Nomination Procedure

  1. There are no restrictions on who may nominate individuals for this award and an announcement of the solicitation will be made annually through portals of RES. Nominations shall be submitted to the Awards Committee (AC) by email at
  2. The nomination documentation consists of a nomination form, the nominee’s CV (maximum 5 pages), a nomination letter, and may also include 2 supporting nomination letters. Individuals recommended by the Awards Committee will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.
  3. The nomination letter should address the award criteria described in the “Selection Criteria”.

Selection of the Awardee

Awards Committee

The chair of the Awards Committee will be nominated by and shall be approved by the RES board. Board members may not serve on the AC, and the chair will have the authority to establish the committee. The RES Board will review and approve the Awards committee membership each year.

Responsibility of the Chair

  1. Assemble the committee members and obtain concurrence from RES Managing Board
  2. Distribute nomination documentation.
  3. Oversee the selection process.

Selection Procedure

  1. Each member has one vote, including the chair.
  2. Nominees will receive votes and the top three candidates will be discussed and voted on.
  3. Any nominee may be discussed at the request of a committee member.

Selection Criteria

  1. The selection of awardees will be based on the following criteria:
  2. Sustained innovative research related to Regenerative Engineering
  3. The creation of new products and/or concepts in Regenerative Engineering.
  4. Highly impactful work for humankind in the tradition of Dr. Laurencin including breakthrough teaching and mentoring, promotion of inclusion and equity, and/or service to local, national and international communities.


The awardee will be named in Summer 2025