Environmental Division Undergraduate Student Paper Award | AIChE

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Environmental Division Undergraduate Student Paper Award

Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student who prepares the best original paper based on the results of research or an investigation related to the environment.


A plaque and $300, $200, and $100 for first, second and third place, respectively

DeadlineJuly 1, 2025
AdministratorsEnvironmental Division (ENV)
PresentationThe award is presented at a designated function of the Environmental Division at either the AIChE Spring National Meeting or at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  1. The nominee must be a full-time undergraduate in good standing at a college or university with an accredited program in chemical engineering, and must be a member of an AIChE Student Chapter.
  2. The work must be performed during the student's undergraduate enrollment, and the paper must be submitted prior to or within six months of graduation.
  3. The student must be the sole author of the paper, but faculty guidance is encouraged (if published, additional authors are accepted).
  4. The entry is judged primarily on depth and breadth of knowledge, originality, and the merits of the project results.
  5. The paper may not be submitted for another AIChE award this year.  It is permitted to submit a paper from a previous year if it has not already received an award. 

Nominations must be submitted to Dr. Jason Trembly (trembly@ohio.edu), 1st Vice Chair, by July 1, 2025

Nomination Form

Award winners