Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition | AIChE

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Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition

The AIChE Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition, organized by the AIChE Early Career Community (ECC) and K-12 Community, is back for 2024!  All U.S. and international AIChE student chapters are welcome to participate and showcase their creativity and imagination through a 2-5 minute video that explains and inspires high school students and the broader community to learn more about chemical engineers and what they do. Each video will compete to win a Judges' Choice Award or a Team Choice Award. Winners of the competition will be announced at the Annual Student Conference and winning videoes will be shown at the AIChE K-12 STEM Showcase Lunch & Learn on October 27, 2024.

The global reach of the competition will allow the exchange of relevant knowledge between diverse communities and will also enable the exchange of ideas on adaptation of process technology in different countries. This will highlight the impact of concerned technologies on societies around the globe.

2024 Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition Topic Announcement:

2024 Competition Topic:

ChemEs Go Digital: How Chemical Engineers are Embracing the Digital Transformation with AI

  Value of Award(s)

Team Choice Winners

1st Place Overall $700
2nd Place Overall $200
3rd Place Overall $100

Judges' Choice Winners

1st Place $700
2nd Place $300
3rd Place $200
4th Place $100
5th Place $100

DeadlineSeptember 15, 2024
AdministratorsEarly Career Community, K-12 Committee
Nomination Instructions

Teams are responsible for completing the competition entry process in its entirety by the submission deadline in order to be eligible to compete. To submit your team’s entry, you will need to complete the online Global Student Video Competition Entry Form, following all form instructions and providing all required items, and submit your video through a separate secondary process. 

File Click here to view all Global Student Video Competition Entry Form instructions and list of required fields. 

Ready to submit your video?

1. Click here to begin the online Global Student Video Competition Entry Form

2. Click here to submit your Video, Copyright Statement Form, and Safe Experimentation Form 

2024 Competition Deadlines and Important Dates

Topic announcement August 1, 2024 
Video submission deadline September 15, 2024
Team voting begins September 30, 2024
Team voting ends October 14, 2024
Winners announced October 27, 2024

*Attendance at the Annual Student Conference is not required to compete.

Video Qualification Criteria

You will be judged on the following qualifications:

  • Video length of 2-5 minutes
  • Video narration must be in English OR video must include English subtitles
  • University name and team name are written in the first frame of the video
  • YouTube compatible video format
  • No copyright violations (read Competition's Copyright Rules)
  • Original content and creativity
  • Accuracy and relevancy of technical content and communication of that content to the proper audience
  • Presentation quality

Additional Qualification Criteria

  • All team members are active AIChE undergraduate student members at the time of submission

  • Team has completed all submission requirements by the specified deadline

Each university will only be eligible to win a maximum of two (2) awards.

Competition's Copyright Rules

Upon submission of each video, teams will need to confirm that they have read, reviewed and adhered to the Competition's Copyright Rules.

Tips on a successful competition video:

Who are the judges?

The final evaluators for the Judges' Choice award will consist of individuals from different fields of expertise to ensure fair evaluation as well as to foster interest of experts from other disciplines in the chemical engineering activities.

Team Voting Process

All competition videos will be posted on the ChEnected YouTube page. An email announcement will be made to all participating team captains with instructions for casting the team's vote once the team voting period is open.

Each participating team will be eligible to cast one vote for another participating team’s entry, with the following exclusions:

  • Teams cannot cast their vote for their own entry
  • Teams cannot cast their vote for another entry from the same university

Winning videos will be those with the greatest number of votes.

Questions? Email us at

Award winners