My Simulation Converged | AIChE

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My Simulation Converged Video Contest

My Simulation Converged Video Contest

Under the aegis of AIChE, Chemstations, Inc. is awarding a $500 cash prize for a short video posted to Instagram.

A note from the sponsors:

Modern simulation software is powerful and fast, but it still requires a number of prerequisites to get to a solution. Good input data, a well laid out flowsheet, correctly chosen thermodynamics, and the skill of the user must all be combined, and yet we all know that often we need to chase down small problems that crop up as the flowsheet calculates.  Did you account for the buildup of by-products in your recycle with a purge? Do your binary interaction parameters account for vapor-liquid AND vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium in that three phase column? Have you checked the calculation tolerances? Success in simulation is part science and part art, and the rewards of mastering it mean benefits for landing that perfect career after graduation.

It finally converged! Yes! Happiness, tears of joy, a sense of relief, and many other feelings wash over the Design student when their process simulation software shows the long-awaited message that their flowsheet has converged. Let’s celebrate that moment with a contest: a chance not only to see your fellow students across the country as they experience those seldom seen moments in a computer lab or dorm room huddled over a computer, but also to win prizes!


$500 cash prize!

DeadlineOctober 8, 2019
Nomination Instructions

Post a video on your Instagram account's feed (max 10 seconds) following the theme selected by Chemstations Inc.

  1. The post must be made on Instagram

  2. If a computer screen is shown, it should show a flowsheet simulation

  3. Videos may not exceed 10 seconds

  4. Posts should be tagged with #AIChEConverged, student(s) names and university

  5. Videos will initially be ranked based on number of likes. The top 20 videos will be reviewed and a winner chosen by judge's choice.

  6. Submissions must adhere to the AIChE Code of Conduct and AIChE's Code of Ethics

See posts submitted to the contest.


To qualify, students must have a declared major in chemical engineering and have followed the instructions above in creating a video.

Judging Criteria:

Videos will be judged on creativity and adherence to the theme.

Winners will be announced at the Annual Student Conference.

If you have any questions, contact us at

This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.

SponsorsChemstations, Inc.