Project Connect Grants | AIChE

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Project Connect Grants

The Project Connect Grants for Local Sections were inaugurated in 2001 to assist local sections with their efforts to reach out to students, recent chemical engineering graduates, and new engineers.

Sections are encouraged to request funds to help support innovative programs designed to increase participation of young graduates transitioning from student to professional.


In this program, 4-8 annual grants of $150-$600 each are awarded to sections submitting qualified applications.

DeadlineMarch 31, 2025
AdministratorsLocal Sections Committee (LSC)
PresentationThe Project Connect Subcommittee, in conjunction with the Local Section Executive Committee, will review the applications and distribute the grants within 30 days of the deadlines.
Nomination Instructions

Each section may only receive one grant per programming year (July to June). Sections who receive the grant must submit a summary report of their funded project before they can apply for the grant in the next funding year.

The quarterly deadlines for applications are:

  • March 31st
  • June 30th
  • September 30th
  • December 31st


Summary Report

Project Connect Grant Programming Ideas

Here are some of the innovative and successful local section programs supported by John J. McKetta Project Connect grants:

  • Engineers' networking banquet
  • Student scholarship and awards night
  • Career night with local recruiters
  • Joint section/student chapter dinner meeting on "Job Interviews- How to Make a Good Impression"
  • "AIChE-Young-ChemE's-Eat-Free" dinner meeting
  • All-day luncheon program on "World Business and Future Growth in Chicago" (including Biotech/Nanotech); followed by networking reception
  • AIChE President Sid Sapakie visits Oregon for AIChE-OSU football weekend; presentation on AIChE member benefits and career guidance for young chemE's
  • Implementation of AIChE Singapore Senior Year Design Award
  • Student poster paper contest
  • Career night with company reps
  • Career guidance forums for local college students on the pros and cons, challenges and rewards of different chemical engineering career paths

Award winners