Student Awards & Competitions | Page 3 | AIChE

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Student Awards & Competitions

Granted to both individual and student chapters, these awards recognize academic skill and student chapter achievements. Scholarships and competitions are included.

Outstanding Student Chapter Award


A plaque for the Chapter, and certificates for the Advisor(s) and President(s).

DeadlineJuly 1, 2024
PresentationThe award will be presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Selection criteria include:

  • Outstanding participation by member students and faculty
  • Number of meetings and events
  • Variety of activities, including career guidance, community outreach, departmental activities, social events, plant trips, sporting events
  • Participation in local, regional and global AIChE programs

Nominations may be made by any AIChE member or student member. Nominations by an entire student chapter acting as a group are encouraged.

All nominations must be submitted using one of the two the online nomination forms below (you must use the form that is appropriate for your chapter's location). IMPORTANT NOTE: Before submitting your application, it stongly recommended that you use the corresponding worksheet (also included below) to help prepare your nomination before you submit online, since the you cannot enter information into the online form and save it before submitting.


For Student Chapters in U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico:

2023-2024 Worksheet to Download and Prepare Answers

Online Nomination Form 

For All Other Student Chapters: 

2023-2024 Worksheet to Download and Prepare Answers

Online Nomination Form

If you have questions about this award program please email

Presented annually to those Student Chapters that show an exceptional level of participation, enthusiasm, program quality, professionalism, and involvement in the university and community.

Process Safety Division Student Design Competition Award for Safety


The winners of this award will receive a check for $600 from the Process Safety Division of AIChE. Each inherent safety winning solution (team or individual) will be awarded a total prize of $600 to be divided by the team winners.

DeadlineJune 12, 2021
AdministratorsProcess Safety Division (PSD)
PresentationAwards are presented at the Student Awards Ceremony during the Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

The awards will be granted to the teams or individuals who apply some of the following concepts of inherent safety in their designs:

  1. Design the plant for easier and effective maintainability
  2. Design the plant with less waste
  3. Design the plant with special features that demonstrate inherent safety
  4. Include design concepts regarding the entire life cycle

The school must have a student chapter of AIChE. The report will need a separate section titled "inherent safety" to describe the design features that represent inherent safety. The Process Safety Division will evaluate all of the designs that are submitted for the AIChE Student Design Competition using the inherent safety criteria mentioned above.

The AIChE designs are submitted to AIChE Awards Administrator, 120 Wall Street, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10005; Ph./Fax: 646-495-1384/646-495-1503.

There will be up to four awards ($600 each) for the appropriate application of inherent safety in the designs. A subcommittee of the Safety and Health Division will evaluate and pick the award recipients.

Regional Student Paper Competition


The Student Chapters Committee sponsors a $200 prize for first place, a $100 prize for second place, and $50 for third place. First, second, and third place winners also receive a one-year subscription to Chemical Engineering Progress magazine.

AdministratorsStudent Chapters Committee
PresentationAwards are presented at the appropriate regional conferences.
Nomination Instructions

For general information, contact the AIChE Awards Administrator, 120 Wall Street, FL 23, New York, NY 10005-4020; Ph./Fax: 646-495-1333/646-495-1503;

Students present technical papers at the student regional conferences, which are held in the spring. The first place winner from each region presents the paper at the National Student Paper Competition, held at the AIChE Annual Meeting.

SAChE Student Design Competition for Safety in Design


One team design award (Jack Wehman Design Award) of $300 and one individual design award (Walter Howard Design Award) of $200 for the best applications of the principles of chemical process safety

DeadlineJune 14, 2019
AdministratorsSafety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE)
PresentationAwards are presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Design competition booklets are distributed to Chapter advisors and SACHE schools each fall. Submit designs to the AIChE Awards Administrator, 120 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-4020; Phone/fax: 646-495-1364/646-495-1503; or

Each year, chemical engineers from a designated company devise and judge a student contest problem that typifies a real, working, chemical engineering design situation. The problem's solution requires a wide range of skills in calculation and evaluation of both technical data and economic...

SBE Chem-E-Car Award


SBE is currently sponsoring a $1,000 award for the Best Use of a Biological Reaction to Power a Car.

DeadlineOctober 25, 2015
AdministratorsSociety for Biological Engineering (SBE)
Nomination Instructions

Please refer to the following page (under instructions) for more information.

Go to Chem-E-Car Instructions

SBE is currently sponsoring a $1,000 award for the Best Use of a Biological Reaction to Power a Car during this year's Chem-E-Car competition®. In this competition, team members design and construct a chemically powered vehicle within certain size constraints.

ScaleUp Sponsors Essay Contest

ScaleUp Sponsors Essay Contest Travel Award for the Annual Student Conference

$500 scholarships which may be used as travel stipends for this year’s AIChE Annual Student Conference.  

DeadlineJune 25, 2021
AdministratorsStudent Chapters Committee
Nomination Instructions

Submit an essay (500 words maximum) in response to one of the below ScaleUp Sponsor essay questions by completing the AIChE ScaleUp Sponsors Essay Contest Form

Essays must be submitted in MSWord format, with the author's name, school, and email address on the first page of the essay. 


Affordable, reliable, ever-cleaner energy is essential to achieving a more prosperous and sustainable world. For Chevron, reducing the carbon intensity of oil and gas represents a tremendous opportunity to advance the global net zero ambitions of the Paris Agreement and build a lower-carbon economy.  How will you contribute solutions to the energy transition challenge as a professional chemical engineer?

Honeywell UOP

In your view, what role will hydrogen play in long term energy and decarbonization strategy? How will the chemical engineering profession contribute to the future of hydrogen economy?

Winners will be notified via email in early September.

If you have any questions, contact us at

SponsorsChevron Corporation, Honeywell UOP

Under the aegis of AIChE and its ScaleUp Program, ScaleUp corporate sponsors are awarding $500 scholarships which may be used as travel stipends for this year's AIChE Annual Student Conference. To qualify, students must have a declared major in chemical engineering and complete a written essay...

Student AIChE/CACHE National Mobile Device APP Competition (2016)


The competition at the AIChE annual meeting will consist of a poster competition where finalists will be selected to give a short presentation to a general audience. 

There will be two prizes, with monetary awards given to the student team’s AIChE chapter: 

1) $500 from CACHE for the first place winner of the best mobile device APP

2) $500 from a corporate sponsor for the best mobile device APP that has a major focus on aspects of safety.

Previous Years Award Winners

  • Mariah Soyring, Luke Howard, Rowan University, "Best Mobile device APP with focus of safety"

  • Jose Figueroa and Shilpan Sheth, University of California Riverside, "Best Mobile Device App"

  • Zachary Nwabudike, University of California, Riverside, 2013
  • Andrew W. Woolley, Thaddeus T. Tuck, and Michael R. Whitehead, Kansas State Univeristy, 2014
DeadlineNovember 14, 2016
PresentationThe competition at the AIChE annual meeting will consist of a poster competition where finalists will be selected to give a short presentation to a general audience at the conference in San Francisco, CA on November 14, 2016.
Nomination Instructions


Intent to submit starting 31 January 2016

Send an email to stating that you have formed a student team that is participating in this competition.  (Only one email per team required).  Submission on this date will insure timely emails to assist you with your App development.

Preliminary APP Description Submission 31 March 2016

 This submission should be in the form of an email to  In this email please include the following: 

  1. Paragraph describing the APP,
  2. Listing of students working on the APP,
  3. Mobile device and operating system,
  4. University represented by students. 

This information is only preliminary and will be used for planning purposes.  Since this information is preliminary, changes in all the above information will be allowed at this point in the competition.

Final APP and Technical Documentation Submission 10/31/2016.

Technical documentation will consist of a word document or pdf and App code files.  Documentation must have the following:

1.Listing of undergraduate and graduate students working on the APP, University or Universities represented by students

2. Mobile device and operating system if running native on the mobile device,

3. Details describing the APP similar to that found on itunes or android or amazon etc.  This section should contain a description of the APP with screen shots.

4. Sources of technical information and physical properties.  This section should include any equations that were used.

5. Sources of software components that were used in APP

6. Flow chart illustrating how the APP works

7. Sufficient worked-out examples to verifying the utility of the APP

8. Description of broad impacts of chemical engineering on society

Poster Competition 11/14/2016 San Francisco, CA

Judging of the overall competition will be based on:

  • Creativity and uniqueness (15%)
  • Usefulness of the APP (20%)
  • Ease of use of the APP(15%)
  • Professional and/or Societal Impact (20%)
  • Poster Presentation which includes demonstration of APP on a mobile device at AIChE Annual Meeting (30%)

At this session a poster board must be displayed along with the APP working on a mobile device.  This poster should outline the unique features of the APP and the programs structure.  Please note that between 10/31/16 and the AIChE National Meeting the student team is allowed to further develop the software to improve its performance on the mobile device.

Complete Rules Download  and Questions

Before submitting an application or making inquiries, make sure you read the complete document on this competition, covering its objectives, rules, judging criteria, and how the app and poster will be demonstrated at the conference.

Student AIChE-CACHE APP Competition 2015-2016 Complete Rules

AIChE/CACHE APP competition Committee:

Jason Bara, Cory Jensen, Nemoy Rau, Scott Fogler, Robert Hesketh

Questions about this competition can be directed to:


Robert P. Hesketh

Professor and Chair

Chemical Engineering

Rowan University

201 Mullica Hill Rd.

Glassboro, NJ  08028-1701

Phone:  (856) 256-5313

Student teams will create an APP for a mobile device.  This APP must be deemed to be useful for an AIChE member.  Possible application areas include scientific, engineering, teaching and professional meeting organizers.  For example, teaching apps could include a game designed to...

Student Co-op and Internship Presentation Competition

  • USD$500 1st place
  • USD$250 2nd place
  • USD$150 each for 2 Finalist Awards
DeadlineAugust 9, 2019
AdministratorsVLS | Virtual Local Section
Nomination Instructions

Presentations should be less than 10 minutes and will be judged by practicing chemical engineers and AIChE VLS members, based on:

  • Application/demonstration of chemical engineering principles to students’ work
  • Understanding of process and/or chemistry
  • Clarity/appearance of slides and presentation
  • Understanding how student’s work is used/applied/extended into other applications/industries
  • Ability to answer questions


  • August 9, 2019 - Abstracts due online
  • August 26, 2019 - Students notified of acceptance
  • August 16, 2019 - Presentations due
  • August 16-23, 2019 – “Dry run” to test WebEx connections
  • August 25, 2019 – Presentations and Awards

The submission form is available online at Submit questions to Noah Meeks, Past Chair, at

Submit Abstract Here


Are you enjoying your time as an intern or co-op, or working on a unique or exciting project? Then enter for a chance to share your experience, practice your presentation skills, and win great awards!

Participants must meet the following qualifications:

  • Undergraduate ChemE
  • ...

Student Design Competition - Team


Team: 1st Prize (The William Cunningham Award)--$600, to be divided equally among team members. Runners-up receive Honorable Mention.

Additional prizes will be awarded by SAChE and the Safety and Health Division in both the individual and team competitions. 

DeadlineJune 15, 2024
PresentationAwards are presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Competition statements were distributed online to student chapter advisors and department heads. Late requests for problem statements should be made to Contact for an entry form, which must be included with each submission. One form per team member, please.

For information about the Individual competition, click here

SponsorsOmega Chi Epsilon

Each year, chemical engineers from a designated company devise and judge a student contest problem that typifies a real, working, chemical engineering design situation. The problem's solution requires a wide range of skills in calculation and evaluation of both technical data and economic...

Student Design Competition - Individual


For individual entries, 1st Prize (The A. McLaren White Award)--$500; 2nd Prize (The A.E. Marshall Award)--$300; 3rd Prize (The Omega Chi Epsilon Award)--$200.

Additional prizes will be awarded by SAChE and the Safety and Health Division in both the individual and team competitions. 

DeadlineJune 15, 2024
PresentationAwards are presented at the AIChE Annual Student Conference.
Nomination Instructions

Competition statements were distributed online to student chapter advisors and department heads in October. Late requests for problem statements should be made to Contact for an entry form, which must be included with submission.


For information about the Team competition, click here

SponsorsOmega Chi Epsilon

Each year, chemical engineers from a designated company devise and judge a student contest problem that typifies a real, working, chemical engineering design situation. The problem's solution requires a wide range of skills in calculation and evaluation of both technical data and economic...



Giving Back

Donations small and large and make a difference, and remember all gifts to the AIChE Foundation are tax-deductible. Learn more about AIChE's Doing a World of Good campaign.