Alex Yokochi is a Professor of Materials, Energy and Chemical Processes in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Baylor University. He received a B.S. (‘89) and M.S. (‘92) from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and the Ph.D. (‘97) from Texas A&M University. His research and teaching interests focus on process and reaction engineering and the development of novel materials applied to the areas of energy sustainability, including energy conversion and storage, modular electrical energy generation, and the development of functional materials with advanced properties through the development of nanocomposites. Dr. Yokochi’s work includes advanced chemical process intensification and modular chemical engineering such as the direct conversion of methane to chemicals and liquid fuels using corona discharge. In addition, he works on the development of advanced electrochemical approaches to energy conversion (e.g., fuel cells and batteries), grid scale energy storage and water treatment. His work is supported by state and federal agencies including the US-DoE/ARPA-E and the US-NSF including a CAREER award, the US Navy, and industrial partners including PTT.
Alex Yokochi
Professor of Materials, Energy and Chemical Processes
Baylor University