Dr. Andres Trikkel is a Professor of Technology of Inorganic Materials and the Head of Laboratory of Inorganic Materials in the Department of Materials and Environmental Technology at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). He also received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from TalTech.
Dr. Trikkel is the principal investigator of the state budget research project of Estonian Ministry of Education, focusing on fundamentals of multicomponent mineral-organic systems: chemistry, modeling and sustainable processing. He further leads projects on conversion of fly ash to valuable minerals, determination of efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable use of earth resources, and use of CCS and CCU technologies for climate change mitigation. His earlier projects focused on oxy-combustion of oil shale, new utilization processes for oil shale combustion solid wastes, and modeling of carbon dioxide mineralization processes.
His other activities consist of lecturing in a general chemistry, inorganic chemistry and technology, chemistry of elements, physical and colloidal chemistry, materials science, electrochemistry, engineering thermodynamics, corrosion and corrosion protection, and thermal analysis. His key qualifications include inorganic chemistry and technology, thermal processes, thermogravimetric methods of analysis, fluidized bed technology, combustion processes and flue gas purification methods, oil shale energetics and environment, reactions and utilization methods of oil shale processing solid wastes, CCS and CCU technologies.