Full Professor and Chair of Process Intensification at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, and Director of TU Delft Process Technology Institute. With almost 40 years of industrial and academic research experience he is author of numerous scientific publications on process intensification, chemical reaction engineering and industrial catalysis. Prof. Stankiewicz is one of the pioneers of process intensification. He is principal author and co-editor of the world’s first book on Process Intensification. The book was recently translated to Chinese. Prof. Stankiewicz is also the author of the first full-size academic course on Process Intensification.
Prof. Stankiewicz is Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification (Elsevier) and Series Editor of the Green Chemistry Books Series (Royal Society of Chemistry). He was founder and first Chairman of the Working Party on Process Intensification at the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. He currently chairs the Board of the European Process Intensification Centre (EUROPIC).
Current research interests of Prof. Stankiewicz focus on control of molecular interactions and intensification of chemical reactions using electricity-based energy fields (e.g. laser, microwave, UV). The research in that area has brought him prestigious Advanced Investigator Grant from the European Research Council and (with co-workers) another grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. More recently, Prof. Stankiewicz has initiated and coordinates the H2020 “ADREM” project on methane valorization using alternative forms of energy in modular catalytic reactors.