Professor Bassam Dally holds a visiting position at the University of Adelaide. He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. He obtained his PhD, in Combustion Science, from the University of Sydney, Australia, in 1998. He joined the School of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide in the same year and served as Deputy Head of school from 2001-2010 and as Head of School 2010-2014. He, along with others, established the Centre for Energy Technology, CET, in 2008 and was appointed Deputy Director in 2009. He is vice-president of the ANZ section of the Combustion Institute and is a member of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society. For the last 25 years, Prof Dally has contributed to many research fields including combustion science, aerodynamics, heat transfer, applied optics, computational fluid dynamics, and renewable energy including wind, solar and tidal wave. He has published more than 90 journal papers in leading international journals and won few awards and honours. He collaborates widely with many national and international researchers and have jointly attracted ~$39M in funding from ARENA (4 projects) and ~$5M from the ARC (11 research grants).
Bassam Dally
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology