Prof. Benjamin J. Glasser, of Rutgers University, received his BS and MS in Chemical Engineering from University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and his PhD, also in Chemical Engineering, from Princeton University. He has made pioneering contributions to our understanding of instabilities in fluidized beds, and fluid-particle and granular flows. His research has examined the hierarchy of instabilities in normal, inverse and sheared fluidized beds, why some beds bubble while others do not, and what minimum physics must be included to capture these instabilities in simulations. His work has recognized that the dynamics of dense fluid-particle flows are heavily influenced by granular rheology and his research on granular flow instabilities in several different contexts has added to our understanding of the evolution of complex structures in fluid-particle flows. His research has also sought to probe and develop applications involving use of fluidized beds. It includes experiments on fluidized bed adsorption of pharmaceutical proteins by resin particles and development of a fluidized bed process for impregnation of a drug substance into a highly porous excipient and subsequent drying, which leads to elimination of several unit operations for pharmaceutical production.