Dr Binoy Sarkar is a Lecturer at the Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) of Lancaster University. Previously he was a Research Associate at University of Sheffield, and a Research Fellow at University of South Australia from where he also received his PhD. Dr Sarkar’s research aims to improve the understanding of physio-bio-chemical phenomena occurring at the surfaces and interfaces of minerals and other particulate materials (for example, biochar, nanoparticles, plastics). The applied sides of his work extend to atmospheric carbon dioxide capture and carbon sequestration in soils, and remediation of conventional and emerging contaminants in soil and water environments.
Dr Sarkar is an awardee of the Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship (pursued at Indiana University), Desai-Biswas Gold Medal and Geof Proudfoot Award. He was also an Honorary Adjunct Research Fellow at University of South Australia.
Dr Sarkar is an Associate Editor of Clays and Clay Minerals, and European Journal of Soil Science, and an Editorial Board Member of Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology and Minerals. He also served as Guest Editor of multiple special issues in Journal of Hazardous Materials, European Journal of Soil Science, Applied Clay Science, Clays and Clay Minerals, and Journal of Soils and Sediments. Website: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/lec/about-us/people/binoy-sarkar