I am the Camille Dreyfus Distinguished University Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State Univ. Originally trained in physics, I have been in chemical engineering since 1977, when I joined Princeton’s Chemical Engineering Dept. as one of the first women to be appointed to a ChE faculty in the U.S. In 1985, I moved to NC State, where I teach thermodynamics and do research by applying molecular modeling and simulations to ChE problems. I have published 190 papers, am an AIChE Fellow, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2005.
I have been an active member of AIChE for more than 30 years because I like giving back to the community, and because I enjoy the camaraderie. In Fall 2008, I had the pleasure of serving as Meeting Program Chair for the Centennial Meeting in Philadelphia. As part of that activity, I helped create the Industrial Innovation Award, which recognizes the contributions of outstanding companies to industrial practice. In 2006, I gave the Institute Lecture at the Annual Meeting. I have been a member of the area 1a programming committee, served twice on the Executive Board of the National Programming Committee, and was a founding member of COMSEF.