Changqing Dong | AIChE

Changqing Dong

Professor, Deputy Director
North China Electric Power University, China

Prof Changqing Dong received his PhD degree on Municipal solid waste combustion from Southeast University, China in 2003. Then he moved to Tokyo Agri. & Tech. University, Japan to work on the rich husk gasification as Postdoctoral Researcher. Prof Dong joined the North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) in 2004 as Associated Professor and promoted to Full Professor in 2009. He serves as the Deputy Director of the National Key Laboratory for Biomass Power Generation Equipment based in the North China Electric Power University since 2009. 

Over the years, Prof Dong has been engaged in the efficient use of waste and energy-saving environmental protection research. He led and completed 1 Project supported by the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 1 Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), 3 National Natural Science Fund projects, 1 Key project of the Ministry of Education, 1 Key project of Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 15 projects at Provincial and Ministerial levels (incl. the Ministry of Agriculture Integrated Energy Construction Project), etc. He has published 226 papers, 52 authorized invention patents and 4 books, and obtained 9 software copyrights. Prof Dong has been awarded the First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education (2017), First Prize of Progress Award of China Southern Power Grid Company (2013), Second Prize of China Power Science and Technology Progress Award (2013), Second Prize of Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education (2012), etc.