ChEnected Guest

ChEnected Guest

AIChE would like to thank its multiple guest authors for the ChEnected blog. Browse posts below that cover a variety of topics.

ChEnected contributions

1/2   in the series Landing the Job

The Interview

. by ChEnected Guest

Ah, the interview process. For many, it's a cause of nervous nail-biting and sleepless nights, but it doesn't have to be that way. Here's a recent (2010) graduate's guide to landing that elusive job.

New Nanotechnology Helps Heal Heart Tissue

. by ChEnected Guest

Researchers at Brown University have used carbon nanotubes to create a patch that can regenerate heart tissue in the lab, according to a report in Technology Review. The patch is formed of chains of carbon atoms that fold onto themselves to create a tube that is capable of conducting electricity and mimics the surface of natural tissue.
