Since may 1998 educated in various arctic field work and logistics in West Greenland, East Greenland and Canada (see list in CV appendix). Has specialized in the biological effects from metal and organic contaminants on internal organs (histopathology, immunohistochemistry and TEM), skeletal system (BMD via DXA scanning), immune system (IDT, cytokine and APP analyses), endocrine system (RIA, HPLC) and blood chemistry in arctic top predators. Additionally specialised in surgical field implantations of intraabdominally (-coelomic) and subcutaneously satellite transmitters (PTTs) in common and king eider (Somateria molissima, Somateria spectabilis), Brünnich´s Guillemot (Uria lomvia) and red knot (Calidris c. canutus) in Canada, Greenland and Holland.