Chris Phillips is currently Vice President for Applied Technology with EnergySolutions, managing a range of technology inputs to EnergySolutions’ projects. He has an Honors Degree in Applied Chemistry from Brunel University, London, England. Until 2000 he worked for British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) at its Sellafield site in northwest England. During that time he developed, designed, commissioned and saw into hot operation the Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP) for UK and foreign used nuclear fuel. In 2000 he moved to the US, working initially with BNFL Inc. and, since 2006, with EnergySolutions. In that time he has managed technology development to support the design of the Waste Treatment Plant at the Hanford nuclear facility in Washington State, the Salt Waste Treatment Facility at the Savannah River nuclear facility in South Carolina, the GNEP nuclear fuel reprocessing facility planned for the US, and the Consolidated Storage Facility for used nuclear fuel as recommended by the Blue Ribbon Commission.