Daryl Maas | AIChE

Daryl Maas

Founder and Owner
Maas Energy Works (MEW)

Daryl Maas is the Founder and Owner of Maas Energy Works (MEW). MEW has served as the lead developer on 25 new or upgraded dairy digester facilities that currently process manure from over 30 farms making them the most experienced dairy digester developer on the west coast. MEW coordinates project teams, designs, schedules, permits, grants, and utilities, while selecting equipment and contractors custom to the dairy facility.  The company also operates the digesters and monetizes the biogas and all of its environmental attributes. Over the last 12 years of working in the dairy biogas industry, MEW has built an affiliated team of over 40 full time digester experts, plus a network of strategic partner companies that have a familiar, collaborative working relationship that is unequaled in the industry, enabling projects to move rapidly, avoid unnecessary costs, and provide a high quality and reliable outcome. MEW’s history of timely construction and continual operational performance is unparalleled in the industry and is critical to realizing “Renewable Energy that Works.”