Dr. Lignell is a professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of Utah. He worked for two years at Reaction Engineering International as a consulting engineer where he performed simulations and developed models and processes for a wide range of energy projects. He worked as a graduate student intern and then as a post-doctoral researcher at Sandia National Laboratories at the Combustion Research Facility where he worked on simulation of turbulent ethylene jet flames using direct numerical simulation, and stochastic turbulent flow models. His research area is in modeling and simulation of turbulent reacting flows, combustion, soot formation, radiation, and fires. He had done extensive work developing stochastic turbulence models including the one-dimensional turbulence model, and the hierarchical parcel swapping model. Dr. Lignell is currently the chair of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute. He has taught classes in fluid mechanics, combustion, numerical methods, and energy engineering. He has served as advisor to BYU’s AIChE Student Chapter since 2015. As an undergraduate student, he was voted “most likely to keep his AIChE membership.”