Doug Bouck is the Technical Consultant at Separation Solutions, Ltd. (Email: SeparationSolutions@Bouck.com). He entered the consulting field in 1999 after 32 years with SOHIO, BP, and BP Amoco, where his assignments included prestartup, startup, and lead technical service for a 150,000-bbl/day refinery integrated unit and process lead engineer on the prestartup and startup team for a thermal hydrodealkylation (THDA)/benzene unit. He served as BP’s Process Technology Manager for distillation, treating, and energy from 1990 to 1993 in England, and was responsible for worldwide support and optimization of BP refinery operations. From 2004 to 2007, he served as a consultant to the central separations group of ExxonMobil, reviewing Far East fractionation project designs. Recent assignments have involved column revamps and optimization, and refinery turnaround troubleshooting. He is currently a consultant to the refining and petrochemical industry, and is a former member of the Fractionation Research, Inc. Design Practices Committee. He holds a BS in chemical engineering from Cleveland State Univ.