Dune Lankard is the founder of the Eyak Preservation Council, whose mission is to preserve, restore and celebrate wild salmon culture and habitat through awareness, education and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods within the communities of the Copper River and Prince William Sound watersheds of Alaska. He is a Native Alaskan Eyak, and he has connected the preservation of the salmon habitat in Alaska to the sustainable future of his ancestral region, its indigenous people and sacred places. Dune has created many replicable models for conservation of environments that are critical to the habitat of the salmon, while creating greater sustainability for the communities that depend on the salmon. Further, his newer efforts to create community cold storage and fish processing facilities will allow the Native fishermen to capture the full value of their salmon catch, from sea to consumers rather than just from catch to processor, supply a better quality of fish, and preserve a thriving fishing culture that, in the Eyak case, has existed for over 3500 years. This model, which incorporates contribution of a percent of profits for conservation of the salmon habitat, aims to produce a triple-bottom-line win for indigenous and subsistence-based communities everywhere.