Dr. Fabio Manzini is a Physical Engineer and holds a PhD in Energy Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He works as a senior researcher specialized in Energy Planning and Sustainability at the Institute of Renewable Energies, UNAM, Morelos. His research focuses on the environmental sustainability assessments of energy projects; he is also interested on energy sector´s prospective planning and energy policies for climate change mitigation. He has published more than 70 research documents in his areas of interest. Since the 1990’s he has worked as a consultant in several prestigious Mexican institutions, such as: SENER (Energy Ministry) , the Senate Chamber, Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and the Environment Ministry (SEMARNAT), and some international institutions as the World Bank, Latin American Energy Commission (OLADE), WRI and USAID. In 2012, he ventured into the public sector serving as Under Secretary of Planning for Sustainable Development in the Government of the State of Morelos; there he coordinated the Climate Action Plans of all the municipalities of Morelos and supervised and participated in the work that led to the issuance of the Decree of the State Action Program on Climate Change. Currently, he is leading the research project “Public Policies and Sustainability Assessment of Solid Biofuels for Heat and Power Generation” at the Mexican Bioenergy Innovation Center (CEMIE-BIO Spanish acronym).