George John is recognized for his active research in the field of functional molecular materials from renewable resources and their potential utility in food materials/energy technologies and materials science. After receiving his Ph.D. from NIIST-CSIR (India) in Chemistry, he held research positions in the Netherlands, Japan, and the United States before joining the City College of New York (CCNY). Currently he is a Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at CCNY. The research in John’s laboratory is highly interdisciplinary, and is focused on molecular design of synthetic lipids (biobased), membrane mimics, soft materials, trans fat alternatives, food materials and food chemistry, and organic materials chemistry. Current research thrusts are on (i) oleogel technology, (ii) green battery components from biomass, and the mechanistic understanding to design a future throw-away battery and (iii) molecular gel based organic scintillators for cancer imaging (iv) amphiphilic molecules, assembly and surfactants from biomass. His group has successfully developed environmentally benign antibacterial paints, oil spill recovery materials, molecular gel technologies, vegetable oil thickening agents, and trans-fat alternatives. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), a senior Fulbright Scholar, and was a recipient of the Tokyo University of Sciences (TUS) President Award, the Pfizer Visiting Professorship at (IISc) Bangalore, and the Kerala Center Award. He holds more than a dozen patents on inventions related to value-added chemicals/surfactants from renewable resources and their potential utility in food and materials.