Gerald B. Sanders | AIChE

Gerald B. Sanders


Gerald Sanders has worked at the NASA Johnson Space Center full time for over 32 years in the Propulsion and Power Division of the Engineering Directorate, and has extensive experience in propulsion, fluid systems, and In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU).  Mr. Sanders has worked in the area of ISRU for over 24 years.  During this time, he has led multiple strategic plans, architecture studies, development projects, and analog field tests associated with ISRU advancement.   Mr. Sanders currently serves as the Lead for the ISRU System Capability Leadership Team (SCLT) for NASA, and Co-Investigator for Human Mission Extensibility for the Mars OXygen Isru Experiment (MOXIE) for the Mars 2020 rover.  He received his B.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 1987.