Götz Veser is Nickolas DeCecco Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. He holds a Diploma in chemical engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, and a PhD in physical chemistry from the Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin (Germany). Following a Feodor-Lynen Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Minnesota, he held positions at the University of Stuttgart and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Coal Research (both in Germany), before joining the University of Pittsburgh in 2002.
Dr. Veser’s research is focused on catalytic reaction engineering and process intensification for clean energy production, fuels processing, and the specialty chemicals industry. Dr. Veser is also a passionate educator whose educational achievements were recognized through the James Pommersheim Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Swanson School of Engineering’s Outstanding Educator Award. Dr. Veser serves on the Governing Board for AIChE-RAPID, the Executive Council for NETL-UCFER, on the board of the North American Catalysis Society and, from 2015-2017, as Science Ambassador for the National Academies of Science.