Gregory K. McMillan received a B.S. from Kansas University in 1969 in Engineering Physics and a M.S. from Missouri University of Science and Technology (Rolla) in 1976 in Electrical Engineering (Control Theory). Greg is a retired Senior Fellow from Solutia Inc. During his 33 year career with Monsanto Company and its spin-off Solutia Inc, he specialized in improving loop performance, controller tuning, valve dynamics, opportunity assessments, and the measurement and control of bioprocesses, compressors, neutralizers, and reactors using a virtual plant as his laboratory. Greg is the author of more than 80 articles and papers and more than 20 funny and serious books. Greg’s most recent humorous books are The Funnier Side of Retirement for Engineers and People of the Technical Persuasion and The Life and Times of an Automation Professional. His recent technical books are Essentials of Modern Measurements and Final Elements in the Process Industry, Advanced Temperature Measurement and Control - 2nd Edition, 101 Tips for a Successful Automation Career, Advances in Reactor Measurement and Control, Tuning and Control Loop Performance 4th Edition, and Good Tuning : A Pocket Guide 4th Edition. He has written a monthly “Control Talk” column for Control and has written more than 40 articles for technical publications since 2002. Greg posts monthly tips on the Control magazine Control Talk Blog site and on the International Society of Automation site for news and technical content ISA Interchange.
As an affiliate Professor of Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri from 2001 to 2003 Greg developed a virtual plant and course for chemical engineers on modeling and control as practiced in the process industry. Greg is an ISA Fellow and received the ISA “Kermit Fischer Environmental” Award for pH control in 1991, the Control Magazine “Engineer of the Year” Award for the Process Industry in 1994, and was one of the first inductees into the Control Magazine “Process Automation Hall of Fame” in 2001. Greg was honored as one of InTech’s 50 most influential innovators for advancing automation and control technologies and received the ISA Life Time Achievement Award in 2010. Greg is a part time modeling and control consultant at MYNAH Technologies. Greg was the program committee chair for ISA Automation Week 2011. Greg is a member of the ISA 75.25 Subcommittee for the Standard and Technical Report on Control Valve Response Measurement. Greg is a developer of the ISA Certification of Automation Professions (CAP) program and cofounder with Hunter Vegas of the ISA Mentor Program.